viernes, 4 de agosto de 2017

32 comentarios:



  3. It serves already of nothing to recycle to treat the damage that the human being has done to him to the planet earth, we need to change thisband the only option is to create the world again.

  4. we need a new life method

  5. is it seriously this? I feel sorry for the reccorido of our race in the world

  6. Guys!!! we need some solutions to this enormous problem. Find it!

  7. how to change this? to give courses of the care of the nature

  8. To sow more trees in the forests that were felled and burned

  9. Water pollution is a growing problem globally. According to the Thinkquest website, large industries including those that make chemicals and plastics dump a large amount of waste into the water. Human waste and rubbish also ends up in the oceans and lakes. The Clean Water Act of 1972 allows the U.S. government to enforce restrictions on those who dump trash and waste. To address the problem, individuals can improve recycling and waste disposal, and they can volunteer to clean up shorelines and nearby public locations. Businesses should develop ongoing protocols to reduce the amount of chemicals and other waste they put into the water supply

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  12. The solutions that we can put into practice to take care of the half maven can be:
    1) Do not throw garbage and debris into the streets or anywhere
    2) Eradicate highly contaminating habits, such as spitting and deposition in the street or in parks and gardens, etc.
    3) Plant trees and collaborate in the maintenance of green areas.
    4) Do not use products containing contaminants, such as CFC (aerosol deodorants), leaded gasoline, etc.
    5) If using motor vehicles, periodically regulate the combustion of the engine to avoid the production of toxic gases.
    6) Reduce unnecessary use and waste of material and energy resources.
    7) Recycle and process hazardous chemicals within industrial processes to prevent them from entering the environment.
    8) Cultivate the soil, avoiding soil degradation.
    9) Understand the importance of wildlife and try to conserve it.
    10) Applying the reuse of resources as far as possible.

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  14. To begin to find a good solution for pollution would be to start with the big industries as they throw chemicals and human waste everything ends in lakes and seas where we end up with fish, another good solution would be to control deforestation in some countries you could control With each tree we cut we could replace it, another serious solution is not to throw as much trash in the streets or fields...

    Jose Ignacio España

  15. For this problem we could start by campaigning on citizen awareness, on caring for nature. We could start with the following:
    N° 1) We could save more electricity and start using solar energy.
    N° 2) Let's choose paper or fabric bags, not plastic ones that are contaminants.
    N° 3) We could also recycle to combat global warming and the greenhouse effect.
    N° 4) Planting trees in your garden and in your community. These absorb carbon dioxide emissions, reducing the effects of global warming.
    N° 5 Children are indispensable to generate a change in culture towards sustainable development, we must give them reliable information, where they talk about "care of the environment", they will help us to expand the ideas by taking the information to their families.

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  17. Good night teacher and classmates: According with the video there are many problems, which are affecting our environment. Currently, the deforestation is caused by the man, every day millions of trees are being cut to make materials such as: wood, paper, etc. for this reason we need to find one solution to protect our fauna, one solution could be: if one person cut one tree, that person must plant other tree, for this, the government must stablish that law. if one person doesn´t do that, he must pay a fine, because if we don´t protect our environment now, we will die

  18. First we should learn to recycle, we should not throw trash to the ground when we eat something to avoid contaminating the rivers and the coasts not to cut trees do not buy contraband animals also the factories of today generate a lot of pollution and excerpts are ending to human life thanks to The q chemicals contain the animals that can be commercialized q there is no longer to experiment with them.

    These are my solutions
    Att: jonier gomez

  19. My solutions to stop polluting the environment are to stop using cars that generate toxic gases like steam boats and motorcycles we should also be aware of throwing garbage to the floor much less littering the lakes and lagoons near also lowering the volume To sound equipment thanks to aq generate auditory contamination and recycle bottles and papers
    Thank you
    Att: carlos muños

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  21. My solution is to separate the waste, separate the glass materials, reduce the amount of paper, do not use aerosol products, do not throw waste to the road and decrease the use of vehicles avoid leaving lights on that do not use, open the refrigerator a lot, Turn off the TV if you are not seeing it or you are already sleepy, unplug the electrical appliances that have light Since these also causes an expenditure of unnecessary electrical energy in this way will reduce the expense of electric energy

    These are my solutions
    Attribution: Argemiro cano mendez

  22. The solution to the environment is not to throw garbage to the floor and not pollute the lakes nor seas nor the rivers as you can see in the video the man ended the animal life and used his skins for his personal assets and also steam boats Generate a lot of pollution and the man is also constructing cities where there were no houses.
    Also the animals of the occeanos to commercialize them and also experimented with the defenseless animals to produce more meat and hunted the animals in route of extinction as for example the bear the leopard the elephant and the seal.
    Also began to cut the wood trees to cover them on sheets of paper.
    Also used the skins of the sheep to create the agodon and ate his legs.
    The solution would be not to hunt
    do not litter
    Nor buy wild animals
    Do not contaminate the rivers
    Do not cut trees
    And this gives us to know that our world is unique and we must take care of it to ensure the life of our children.

    Att holman estevan chindicue capera

  23. The best solution we can give to this problem is to stop thinking about what we can get to nature, stop finishing it if there is any conscience and if we do not realize nature is our fundamental part to live without it We would not have all the luxuries we received from her among those:
    -the air, the water, the energy, the oxygen we breathe day by day.
    But if we continue to waste and finish what is in our ecosystem the only and true responsible are we human beings. The best we can do is:
    -respect the animals
    -care for rivers and fountains
    -to consume less energy than necessary
    Do not throw rubbish.

    Att: yuly tatiana polania benavidez

  24. the best solution
    Save more water, with actions like washing the car with a bucket with water instead of using the hose will help us reduce its consumption.

    Avoid as much as you can use the car. Traveling by bicycle or public transport instead of the car will make you a healthier person and contribute to less pollution.
    Choose paper or fabric bags,

    Organic waste can be good manure,
    These are some of the simplest ways we can support the care of the environment, insurance to our place and space

    Thank you

  25. Hello my name is mildrey Fernanda Vanegas
    Grade: 9-1
    Environmental problems are very important because these problems are our fault and my possible solutions are these.
    1) that we deposit the garbage in their respective containers.
    2) we do not burn or cut the plants.
    3) we do not throw garbage in rivers or ponds.
    4) we optimize the water.
    5) We will not throw the food.
    6) reduce the use of fossil fuels.
    7) preserve the health of the oceans.
    8) Avoid all types of contamination.
    And finally that among all humans do something to improve our quality of life and most important that our planet is free of toxic waste and taking care of it as it should.

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  28. The solution that would give to the pollution are:
    1) I wish we were all vegetarians, so we would not have to kill animals
    2) avoid using a vehicle, so as not to pollute the air
    3) do not cut trees, that gives us shade and helps the water
    4) not contaminate water, water is our life, and why should we pollute it?
    5) It would be good if all countries were to have an event this month, so we would not pollute the environment so much.

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  31. Environmental pollution is due to many factors, mostly to the influence of man on the environment, for many years we have observed the deterioration of our planet and today this is directly affecting us in many ways.

    Measures to avoid environmental pollution:

    • Create citizen awareness  "we live on this planet as if we have another where to live.

    • Do not burn or cut plants "A thousand machines can never make a flower.

    • Place trash in appropriate places.

    • Regulate the urban cleaning service.

    • Controlling the use of fertilizers and pesticides "everyone says OUR PLANET, but NONE takes responsibility.

    • Create drainage ways for industries that do not reach the seas or rivers used for the service or consumption of human beings or animals.

    • Controlling accidental oil spills "if you think the economy is more important than the environment, hold your breath while you count your money".

    • For each plant harvested 5.

    • Recycle objects (give them a new use).

    • Take and generate awareness of what is happening.

    • Carrying out support campaigns "hiding the problem does not make it disappear.

    • Avoid the use of aerosols " so much pollution few solutions.

    • Have a sense of belonging "many humans, little humanity .


    Alexandra Tole gomez

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